
Roxan child wheelchairThere are many ways you can help the special children of Shriners Children’s™ through the Daughters of the Nile Foundation.

With planned giving, you can help children, reduce taxes and increase your income. Some of the ways you can contribute include:

* Memorial Gifts

A gift to the Foundation is a wonderful and meaningful way to remember a loved one.  This is a lasting and fitting tribute which will help children who need our help.  The Foundation will send an acknowledgement to the family.

* Wills and bequests

A bequest to the Daughters of the Nile Foundation will continue supporting Shriners Children’s™ after your death. Federal estate tax laws encourage charitable bequests by allowing an estate tax deduction for the full value of charitable gifts. No limit is placed on the amount that can be left to charity and deducted from your estate as a charitable contribution.

The most popular type of bequest is a specific bequest which designates a specific dollar amount, percentage of your estate, or piece of property. A residuary bequest provides that the Foundation receive all or a stated portion of your estate after all other bequests, debts, taxes and expenses have been distributed. A contingent bequest can insure that if circumstances make it impossible to carry out your primary provisions, your assets will then pass to the Foundation, rather than to unintended beneficiaries.

* Marketable securities

Gifts of long-term appreciated securities may include individual stocks, bonds, or shares of mutual funds. Gifts of securities can be made quickly and easily and can enable you to do more with your gift because of the tax benefits.

* Life insurance

Many people have life insurance policies that are no longer needed to protect their spouse, family or themselves. When ownership of an existing policy is given to the Foundation, you can immediately deduct is as a charitable contribution. Upon transfer of ownership, future premium payments are also deductible.

* Real estate

When appreciated real estate is given to and accepted by the Foundation, capital gains taxes are avoided and the full fair market value of the property may be deductible as a charitable contribution. The Foundation retains the right to refuse real estate that is not suitable.

Other ways you can give to the Daughters of the Nile Foundation include naming the Foundation as a beneficiary on your Retirement Accounts or your Annuities; naming the Foundation as a joint tenant, payable on death beneficiary or transferable on death beneficiary on your Certificates of Deposit and Savings Accounts; or establish a Charitable Remainder Trust that benefits the Foundation. The Foundation retains the right to refuse a gift or bequest that is not suitable.  Please check with your attorney or financial adviser to determine the plan that is best for you and for securing the future of Our Children.