Daughters of the Nile Foundation presented a check to Shriners Children’s Texas on Monday. The check was for $29,800 for the purchase of a Cortrack 2 External Access System and a Barton Chair System 1400. Joining Daughters of Nile Foundation Board of Directors, Vice President, Herbie Kay Skinner Lundquist and Board Secretary, Carol Hefley was Vickie Tabor Hill, Supreme Princess Royal; Norma Scott, Queen Tabeel Temple No. 88; Dorothy Sellers, Queen Ramallah Temple No. 89; Elaine Bell, Princess Royal Tabeel No. 88 and Diane Moore, Princess Shalman No. 90. Many thanks to Board of Governors President Steve White and the Donor Relations staff of Lisa Court, Debra Richmond and Katherine Hughes for the generosity of time and attention.